Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Brilliance Or Bullshit -The Battle of "The Donald" vs. "Rosie"

I was told once that you can dazzle them with brilliance or baffle them with b.s.

Me, I spout almost entirely b.s. But, every once in a while, I saysomething brilliant. B.S or Brilliant . . . you make the call.Let's start with something simple -like the feud between Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump. Donald wants to give a 21 yr old a second chance. Rosie disagrees in her comical way. My first thought is, "I am with The Donald. Here's a young girl. . . under lots of pressure being Miss America. . . does some stupid things . . . only 21 years old . . .Rosie is an idiot." All Trump had to say is "we have a young woman who possibly has a chemical addiction or stress related issues and we are choosing to help her." - end of statement . . . end of story. Let Rosie hang on that. But, Donald goes nuts and starts throwing insults around like a jr high school kid. This is a man who has made millions talking to and dealing with people at the highest levels; and he can not even deal with some criticism from Rosie O'Donnell??? What a pinhead!

In today's world, there are young women who are looked upon as role models, and have the same type of pressures upon them that every other young girl has.
And when they falter, like humans do, what should the message be to those who look up to these people??

Get a D.U.I. on the way to get a cheeseburger at Fat Boys?

Forget your underwear and show the world your "goodies" as you get out of your car?? (which has been done by more than one so called superstar)

Or, is it better to seek help and guidance from professionals andloved ones who are willing to help you get your life back under control?

Think of all of the good "The Donald" could have done with this and the best he could do is call Rosie a "fat slob."

Idiot vs idiot . . . no one wins.